7.7 GHz (3 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
"In all experimental conditions, the frequency of all types of chromosomal aberrations was significantly higher than in the control samples. In the irradiated samples the presence of dicentric and ring chromosomes was established. The incidence of micronuclei was also higher in the exposed samples. The results of the structural chromosome aberration test and of the micronucleus test were comparatively analyzed. The values obtained showed a positive correlation between micronuclei and specific chromosomal aberrations (acentric fragments and dicentric chromosomes). The results of the study indicate that microwave radiation causes changes in the genome of somatic human cells and that the applied tests are equally sensitive for the detection of the genotoxicity of microwaves."
"These results suggest that microwave radiation can induce damage in the structure of chromosomal DNA."
"Results discussed in this study suggest that microwave radiation causes changes in the synthesis as well as in the structure of DNA molecules."