Infografika o nevarnostih elektromagnetnih sevanjih


3 GHz (3 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
"Cytologic investigations designed to study bone marrow, peripheral blood, spleen, and thymus of albino rats irradiated by an electromagnetic field, 2375, 2450, and 3000 MEGS, revealed structural and functional changes in populations of megakaryocytes, immunocompetent cells as well as of undifferentiated cells, and of other types of cells that are dependent on the intensity of irradiation and permit establishing the probability-threshold levels of exposure taking account of reactions of perception and physiologic adaptation together with compensatory and regenerative processes and the injury sustained. It is shown that changes in bone marrow cells differentiation and reproduction rather than integral shifts in the peripheral blood that acquire the utmost significance. Subjected to a particular scrutiny in the paper are blast cells, which cells' repopulation was noted to be getting increased in low-intensity exposure as were disturbances in their mitosis pattern."
"In view of the results presented it may be concluded that substances injuring cell membranes sensitize cell cultures to electromagnetic radiation of the microwave range and may enhance the specific (non-thermal) effect of microwaves."
Some Biological Effects of Microwave Irradiation in the Rat
Hawkins TD et al, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, marec 1973
"An additional interesting feature of the data concerns the relatively severe effects of fairly "low powers. At the 1700 KHz frequency, a power of only 50 mw/cm2 produced a complete cessation of bar-press responding within a ten-minute exposure period. A level of 50 mw/cm2, of course, is relatively close to the safety level of 10 mw/cm established for humans exposed to microwave fields. The fact that microwave effects are found at power levels not far above the established safety level points to the necessity for additional, careful, and comprehensive examinations of the biological effects of microwaves, with a variety of species. It is possible that not only the rat, but other species as well, may exhibit enhanced sensitivity to certain microwave frequencies."

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