Infografika o nevarnostih elektromagnetnih sevanjih


nanodelci (3 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
"Combined exposure of MF and MNP-SiO2 resulted in remarkable cytotoxicity and increased apoptosis in PC12 cells. The results suggested that MF exposure could strengthen the MF of MNPs, which may enhance the bioeffects of ELF MF."
"The postulated presence of magnetic nanoparticles located in hematopoietic stem cells could constitute a cancer risk factor. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles can possibly mediate increased level of leukaemia caused by background exposure to low-frequency weak EMF."
"An iteration equation is suggested that uses only a few model parameters and describes basic regularities observed in cancer onset. In the model context, relatively small chronic variations in the intracellular content of free radicals may markedly affect the probability of a cell to become a cancer cell. On the other hand, magnetic nanoparticles are shown to be an endogenous source of chronic magnetic exposure that increases the local concentration of free radicals. An enhanced level of leukaemia in early childhood is assumed to originate from magnetic nanoparticles located in hematopoietic stem cells."

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