Infografika o nevarnostih elektromagnetnih sevanjih


7.44 GHz (1 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
Mortality in Rats Exposed to CW Microwave Radiation at 0.95, 2.45, 4.5 and 7.44 GHz
Polson P et al, Stanford Research Institute, januar 1974
"In terms of lethal effectiveness, therefore, the ordering is, from most effective to least effective, 0.95 < 2.45 < 7.44 < 4.54 GHz. It is worth pointing out that American National Standard, C95.1, "Safety Level of Electromagnetic Radiation with Respect to Personnel," recommends an energy-density radiation protection guide of 1 mW-hr/cm2 averaged over any 0.1 hr period. For the most lethal frequency (0.95 GHz) the lethal energy constant was found to be 36,643 mW-sec/cm2 or 10.2 mW-hr/cm2 This is approximately a factor of ten greater than the radiation protection guide."

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