Infografika o nevarnostih elektromagnetnih sevanjih


motnje ravnotežja (2 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
"Clearly, much more work needs to be done to understand the basic mechanisms responsible for this syndrome. However, this report adds to the developing evidence that EHS is a real disease, that a significant number of people suffer from EHS, and that—beyond taking steps to reduce EMF exposure—we have very limited knowledge of how to prevent and treat the disease."
"Though results from this study suggest a reduction of human standing balance with MF exposure, as well as an increase of physiological tremor amplitude within the frequency range associated with central nervous system contribution, no exposure effect appeared on other investigated parameters (e.g., EEG or voluntary motor control). These results suggest that 1 h of 60 Hz, 1,800 uT MF exposure may modulate human involuntary motor control without being detected in the cortical electrical activity."

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